Monday, November 2, 2020

Comparison of Daily Used Database Applications

 The main word processing software that I use is Microsoft Office. I have been using this software for many years of my life and I would consider myself experienced with its’ word processor, spreadsheet, and presentation. All the applications have the same layout regarding formatting text. The word processor focuses more on creating and storing formatted text, so it was more useful for me to create my text. Word processor has more ways to format text giving the writer more control on the textual design of their documents such as creating a technical paper. The disadvantage of the word processor is it is difficult to create tables or illustrations to further elaborate on the text in the document. Microsoft spreadsheet Excel is better suited for creating tables from data or simply creating tables to help organize statistics in a document. The assignment that requested that I use a spreadsheet to create a data table and pie chart was effortless due to the formatting capabilities of Excel. I could enter, sorting, calculating the information provided into spreadsheets cells. Spreadsheets would also be best for creating personal or business budgets since data can be controlled easier. The disadvantage of any spreadsheet is that it is not simple to text or illustration documents such as essays or presentations in excel. Using word for the text documents first then transferring it to excel is the best option. Presentations are best created in PowerPoint, Microsoft Office, where text can be formatted into illustrations. Each bullet that I created on the word document made up it’s on slides where I changed the animation of the text, transitions of the slides, design of the slide. Presentations applications can also be best for creating a presentation on an idea pitch to help attract and keep the attention of their audience. The disadvantage of presentation applications is their inability to handle the formatting of data or large text. Both data and text can be created in the presentation application, but the design doesn’t fit well.

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